Monday, May 20, 2013

Musical Mondays- Emily Meadows- "Rise Up"

So today's Musical Monday is going to be a little different. Instead of talking about a song on the radio, I'm going to introduce you to one of my songs that I've written. This is a fairly new experience for me, sharing my songs with people. I’ve only let a handful of people read my music, because each song is very personal to me, and I wasn't prepared to share those things in the past. But I feel that this is good and right, so here we go.

I have decided I won't settle
For some shallow, worthless religion
I refuse to be let down gently
By some church's low expectations
My God is a God who’s passionate
My God is a God who’s intimate
If that is who my God is
Shouldn't the church be like that, too

It's time for a great awakening
The church has fallen asleep
It's time for us to come together
Imagine all that we could be
God's messengers, God's warriors
God's children, it's time to rise up
It's time to listen; it’s time to armor up
The enemy has destroyed our nation
But we shouldn't be despondent
We are the hope of this nation
Why are we still so complacent

This generation needs to decide
Who are we going to trust with our souls
We should have been inspired
By the God-man who gave up all control
Our God is a God who’s jealous
Our God came to live among us
If that is who our God is
Then shouldn't we be that way, too

It's time for a great awakening
The church has fallen asleep
It's time for us to come together
Imagine all that we could be
God's messengers, God's warriors
God's children, it's time to rise up
It's time to listen; it’s time to armor up
The enemy has destroyed our nation
But we shouldn't be despondent
We are the hope of this nation
Why are we still so complacent

Passion has left us
Come and fill us again
Love has not abandoned
We have walked away from Him
He came and gave Himself for us
What will we give in return

It's time for a great awakening
The church has fallen asleep
It's time for us to come together
Imagine all that we could be
God's messengers, God's warriors
God's children, it's time to rise up
It's time to listen; it’s time to armor up
The enemy has destroyed our nation
But we shouldn't be despondent
We are the hope of this nation
Why are we still so complacent

Let me give you the background of this song before we dive into it. I wrote "Rise Up" in January of 2012, after learning about Martin Luther in World History. My mom found this excellent docudrama about his life called "Luther". It is excellent and I highly recommend it. What I learned and saw as I watched this was that the Roman Catholic Church in Luther's day is no different than the rest of the churches today. The one post I made a while back (see here) was also written during that time. I wrote this as a declaration that I'm sick of Christians settling for a "basic life". No outreach, no true conviction, no true relationship. So this is that song.

I have decided I won't settle
For some shallow, worthless religion
I refuse to be let down gently
By some church's low expectations
My God is a God who’s passionate
My God is a God who’s intimate
If that is who my God is
Shouldn't the church be like that, too

This first verse is me taking a stand. No more of shallow church services, where you go in, sing some songs, listen to a watered down message from a man who may or may not be an ordained pastor, then leave and forget everything that happened while you eat at your favorite fast food place. I refuse to be put down to a low level of service because many adults in church believe that teenagers are good for nothing heathens. If our God is passionate and desires an intimate one-on-one relationship and truly cares about every single person, shouldn't the members of His church, His Children, be the same way?

It's time for a great awakening
The church has fallen asleep
It's time for us to come together
Imagine all that we could be
God's messengers, God's warriors
God's children, it's time to rise up
It's time to listen; it’s time to armor up
The enemy has destroyed our nation
But we shouldn't be despondent
We are the hope of this nation
Why are we still so complacent

Now is the perfect time to rise up against the normalcy of boring church life. It's the perfect time for us to band together and become a force for God. We could be so much as God's children. We could warriors for His Kingdom; we could be messengers for His truth. It's time to be counteractive against the evil that has overcome our nation, our world. We are the hope for this nation if we would stop sitting back and saying "Why bother?"

This generation needs to decide
Who are we going to trust with our souls
We should have been inspired
By the God-man who gave up all control
Our God is a God who’s jealous
Our God came to live among us
If that is who our God is
Then shouldn't we be that way, too

My generation, and the ones directly before and after me, need to stop sitting in the waves and letting ourselves be washed every which way and plant our souls somewhere. Even if someone decides to turn their backs on God, it is better that he choose one and not both. You cannot serve both God and Satan. Our God is jealous for our souls, He would rather you choose one, but He will refuse you if you linger in the in-between. Our God came to live among us. He came to be a light in this world, and He wants us to follow in His path.

Passion has left us
Come and fill us again
Love has not abandoned
We have walked away from Him
He came and gave Himself for us
What will we give in return

The passion we once felt when we first became Christians is gone. That joy we had has left us, because we have left God. We were the ones who walked away, not God. He gave up His Son's life for us.

What are we going to give Him in return for that payment?

Emily E.

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