Thursday, August 22, 2013

What a Christian Is

I'm going to go into a rant, so if you don't want to read my angry words, please feel free to disregard this post completely.

Why does the world hate Christians as a whole? Because Christians hate themselves. Our modern church is not what it should be. It is divided and torn apart by theological differences and pure prejudice and bitterness. Because we are so extremely judgmental that we will kill those who are not like us or who differ in beliefs. We have killed in the name of Christ during the Crusades, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights movements of the 1960's. We shove down those who we think below us and we turn our noses up at them. We cause a stir in OUR OWN CHURCH FAMILES because we think that this person should leave and not come back. We can look someone in the eyes with a smile plastered on our faces and tell them that they are lower than dirt.

The world hates Christianity because we ourselves hate it. The word Christian means "little Christ", are we not supposed to be an example of Christ through our lives and through our words, actions, and reactions? But instead, what are we?

“Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." (Matthew 3:7c-10)

We are the hypocrites, the Pharisees, those who say one thing and do the other, those who taint the name of Christ with out foolishness and wickedness. If you claim to be a Christian, but live in a way that spreads hatred not only to nonbelievers, but to other Christians as well, Jesus says that you might as well be like a "Gentile and a tax collector" to the Body. This means the Christians around you may as well and throw you out of the church and turn their backs on you because you refuse to work towards peace.

A person who lives in hatred and bitterness towards other Christians and denominations are not okay; they have a sin problem and they need to get their hearts right with God.

I have heard recently from one of my friends who is going to seminary to be a pastor that a lot of the students there will stop going to chapel services because they become bitter and angry towards other students and chapel services because they had a certain preconceived notion of their own about what a "Christian" should act or look or talk like. Those that don't meet the standards one holds aren't worthy of one's time, nor are they apparently worthy of one's compassion and brotherhood.

Let me let you all in on an apparently little known secret. A Christian is a person, and subsequently a sinful human, just like anyone else. The only exception I or anyone else has is that we have been saved by accepting the grace that was offered to us at the Cross. Every person is different, thus not fitting into one mold, and we all have our problems, thus making us imperfect. There will be very few Christians who meet your standards of what a Christian should be, and I can almost guarantee that you won't find them sitting in a Southern Baptist church.

I think what has happened is that our world has somehow screwed up the image that comes to mind when we think of Christians. So let's break down this mold and let's refocus on what the Bible says a Christian is to be like. First of all, let's talk about what a Christian is not.

A Christian is not perfect. This seems like a shock to a lot of people, but I don't know a single perfect person, let alone a perfect Christian. The word "perfect" is found 85 different times in the New King James Version of the Bible. There is not a single occurrence in which this word refers to the present spiritual state of the body of Christ. There are mentions of us growing to perfection, of God perfecting that which He started in us, but there is nowhere that says that anyone of us is perfect. The only perfect man was Jesus.

A Christian is not sinless. Again, this comes as a shock. Christians aren't supposed to sin anymore, so why are they not sinless? Just because we accept Jesus as our Savior, does not mean we turn into Jesus. That would be like me getting a bike as a birthday present, then turning into the bike. It doesn't make sense, nor is it practical. If we could become sinless through belief, then what was the purpose of the cross? It also helps to understand that the word "sin" comes from the Greek word that would be used in archery competitions to say if the archer had missed the mark and to shoot again. So, the idea behind this is that, sin is not necessarily doing something evil, but rather it is us straying from the path of righteousness and missing the mark that God has set out for us to reach.

A Christian is not a source of infinite wisdom. Look, we are all human. There is an entire universe of knowledge that we will never know, and most of us don't have any sort of special academic abilities. We, Christians, are going through life just like you are, and for the most part, we don't have any idea what we're doing, just like you as well. I most definitely have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. There is no way anyone should ever come to me for wisdom, because I make some really stupid decisions. We all do stupid things, we don't gain any sort of mystery knowledge when we are saved.

A Christian is not a judge. Okay, so this one is really hard to debunk, because sadly, it's all too prevalent in our churches today. I for one would like to say, that if you have ever been judged or have felt belittled by a Christian or by a member of a church, or anyone else who affiliates with the term Christianity, I am truly sorry. And if I have ever judged anyone, I apologize for that. We are just as human as the next, but we have no reason to put you down.

So now let's talk about what a Christian is, or more specifically, what the Bible says a Christian should be. First, A Christian is characterized by love. In Matthew 5:42-47, Jesus makes it clear that the old Jewish law not only stated to love God, but to love others as an outpouring of your love for God. And Christians are not meant to love only other Christians, but to love those who are our enemies; those who are not of the faith. Because "if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" A Christian who loves God will follow His commandments and His path for their life (John 14:15, Luke 16:13). One of the greatest commandments given is "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). As Christians, it is our job to love God, and love others. These are the defining factors and characteristics of a Christian.

As much as I would like to say that there are more things that Christians are, that pretty much puts a cover over everything I could break it down into. If you love someone, you have a passion geared towards them. That passion will create desire, and that in turn creates in us the inexplicable need to move on that desire. If we love someone, we want the best for them. We want them to have the best life possible, so why not tell them about the chance to have the best life possible not only here and now on earth, but after we get to heaven as well? When it comes down to it, a true Christian is a person who has accepted the gift of salvation through the Lord's death on the cross, and who loves God, loves people, and acts on the love they have.

Love In Christ,
Emily E.

Monday, August 12, 2013


So, I've been home for a week and a few days now, and I must say, it's just as it was before I went to Canada, but it is different as well. Part of me wants to stay and fall back into the routine of utter and disgusting laziness, and part of me wants to rise against that as it has for the last seven weeks. I do not know what to do with myself. I want action, but I want inaction. I want change, but I do not want to start the process. I want revival, but I also want complacency.

This week has consisted of cleaning, school orientation, and job searching stuff. My mom told me back a while ago that when I got back there would be a job opportunity available here for me. So I looked into it, had an interview earlier today, and am now an official crew member at my local Firehouse Subs! I've also been trying to set up classes for this semester, and have been going through such a hassle with it. First I had to call the welcome center, then I had to sign up for online orientation, then I had to do the orientation, then I have to either wait for them to call me back, then they didn't call me back, so I had to call them this morning. Turns out, they're not taking appointments right now, only walk in's.So first thing tomorrow morning I'm heading up to the school at seven am. I have to meet with an adviser so I can get the classes I want. If I don't get the classes, I can't graduate on time, and if I can't graduate on time, then I can't go to Liberty on time and it will screw up my plans...of course, it's not about my plans, is it?It's about what God has planned.

Last week while I was still in Vancouver, my parents told me we are not staying in this current house. We believe we were simply a means of blessing to two families in their time of need, and we are now currently getting the house ready to be shown...and we have to keep it that way at all times.I don't do well with continuous clean. My brain does not work with continuous clean. I have to have some form of clutter to distract me when I get to frazzled. Then I clean it up. Maybe. I might actually just make some more messes. But for now, I have to buckle down on keeping it clean. we're apparently looking into finding a house that has something along the lines of a separate mother-in-law's quarters or a garage apartment or something for me, so I have semblance of independence, but mom and dad and food are still right there when I need them.

So, now that I am starting school back again, and I am starting my first job, and we're focusing on moving again, this blog might become a little less updates, and more musings and expository writings and stuff. I don't know if I want to continue with the Musical Mondays or not, I think that would be up to you, my wonderful readers. I am truly thankful for every single person who reads this blog, and I hope that you take away fro it as much as God and I have put into it. I have readers from all around the world, and I love each and every one of you, so your opinions matter deeply. If you enjoy the past Musical Mondays posts, comment and let me know so, if I get a good response I'll keep trying to make them.

In Christ,
Emily E.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Musical Mondays - Emily Meadows - Coming Home

I wrote this song a couple of months ago. It pretty much sums up how I'm feeling today. I don't think any explanation is needed.

On my way back to the place I knew as a child
On my way back to the place where I used to smile
On my way back to the ones with open arms
Back to the place where I am safe from life’s harms

On the way back to the place my memories grew
On my way back to the place where I found You
On my way back to the place I hold so dear
Back to the place where they can comfort all my fears

Though I walked away when I
Thought I could make it on my own
Eventually we all knew that
I would always come back home

I’m going home
I’m going back to the love I knew
(I’m going home)
I remember how much I needed You
(I’m going home)
I’m going back to the ones who guided me
I’m going home

On the way back to the place my memories grew
On my way back to the place where I found You
On my way back to the place I hold so dear
Back to the place where they can comfort all my fears

Though I walked away when I
Thought I could make it on my own
Eventually we all knew that
I would always come back home

I’m going home
I’m going back to the love I knew
(I’m going home)
I remember how much I needed You
(I’m going home)
I’m going back to the ones who guided me
I’m going home

I walked away, didn’t even look back
But they held on, held their memories in their hearts
I turned away, didn’t say goodbye
But they kept their arms open for me

I’m going home
I’m going back to the love I knew
(I’m going home)
I remember how much I needed You
(I’m going home)
I’m going back to the ones who guided me
I’m going home

In Christ,
Emily E.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

From the Field- Final Update

It is 2:30 pm. I am completely packed and ready to go. In four hours, I will be at debriefing starting the end of my time here in Vancouver.  In two days, I will be on a plane heading to Chicago on the first part of my journey home. I am not prepared to leave. I do not have any desire to leave. As I go, I am leaving a very large part of my heart behind. And that is okay. Falling in love with a city is okay. Falling in love with a church and with an ethnic group is okay.

Mourning over the loss of them is not okay. I will miss Vancouver, but I will not be overcome by sorrow when I return home. I will not allow my longing to be back debilitate me from working back at home. I will not let it hold me back from my studies, I will not let it hold me back from whatever ministry I may have at home.

Because as great as this summer has been, it has to come to an end now. And I'm okay with that. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime, if not this one, than the one in eternity. And hopefully, we'll all see each other again someday.

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to come to Vancouver this summer, and I'm so thankful for all your prayers. Continue to pray for me while I travel and readjust to life back at home. There are a lot of things that are going to be going on when I get back, so I'm going to have to bounce back into the swing of things quite quickly.

As for school plans, I am still going to finish my Associates degree when I return. I will have that completed within the year, so that will take up a lot of time. I will be looking for a job as well, and will begin my journey into the adult world! (yay.)

In Christ,
Emily E.