Saturday, July 6, 2013

Describe Him

How do you describe God? Some call Him Father, some say Creator, others Savior. But how do you describe Him? Is He that Father you longed for as a child? Is He an Almighty Power who spoke the universe into motion? Or is He your Savior? The One who put His life on the line for you, and ultimately gave it up. How do you describe God?

To me, He is all these things. Though I have an earthly father, whom I love dearly, God is my heavenly Father. He gives me things my dad never can. He gave me hope for a better life, He gave me strength in those moments when I am weak. He gave me peace when my heart is troubled.

He is not just the Creator, He is my Creator. He gave me eyes to see the beauty of His world, ears to hear the joy in a loved one's laughter, hands to hold a precious child. He gave me a heart to love with, a mind to think and reason with, and a soul to serve with. He gave me passions, desires, and emotions. He gave me words to speak encouragement with. He gave me life and a world in which to live. He gave me everything I have,

He is, above all, my Savior, my Master, my Lord who valued me so.  He came to live in ridicule, He came to pay the price of my sin. He came so that He could wipe away every stain of pride, greed, maliciousness and dirtiness off of me. He stands now, constantly fighting for my soul, that I may become the best servant I can be. He stands to bear witness to His Father, our Father. He stands and cries out that I am doing good work for Him, that my works are pleasing to Him.

So, what do you call God? Do you call Him, Father? Do you call Him, Creator? Or do you call Him, Savior?

In Christ,
Emily E.

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