Monday, June 3, 2013

Musical Mondays - Skillet - Monster

So quick update, then on to musical Monday. This week has been by far one of the craziest ever. During the first half of the week, I spent the day getting ready for my graduations and party, and then I would go to a different party every night. Thursday was my party, and we spent the entirety of that day setting up and cooking. Friday was the local public schools graduation, which I had fully intended on going to, but ended up with a headache, so I couldn't go. Saturday was the big day! I had my first graduation at 11, where I spoke and played piano. I was complemented by several people about the speech I gave. Both of the other speakers were very impressed, and I was so grateful that God gave me the proper words to say. The second graduation was at 4, and I played piano alongside several other students. Jared, my former youth pastor came up from Sarasota to speak, and it was wonderful to see him and his family again. (Congratulations are due to them as well because they are going to have another baby! This is so exciting, especially knowing that their first child was very hard to conceive and was prayed for for several years.) So that's all that has happened in the past week.

On to Musical Monday! I feel like writing about some hard rock. Do you want to hear about some hard rock? Let's talk about some hard rock. Hard rock, yay! This week's song is Skillet's Monster. I love this song, and all of their stuff, not only because of the music, but because the words have a good message as well. Let's begin!

The secret side of me
I never let you see
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage
And I just can't hold it

It's scratching on the walls
In the closet, in the halls
It comes awake
And I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
Cause if I let him out
He'll tear me up
And break me down
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

It's hiding in the dark
It's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me
It wants my soul,
It wants my heart

No one can hear me scream
Maybe it's just a dream
Or maybe it's inside of me
Stop this monster!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I'm gonna lose control
Here's something radical
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I'm not going to lie, I really like this song. A lot. More than I probably should. Also, did you know that Skillet, which has been a constant in the heavy rock genre for many years, released their first album in 1996? That was seventeen years ago! Though there have been a few line-up changes and additions, the membership of the band has stayed relatively the same, I believe.

The secret side of me
I never let you see
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage
And I just can't hold it

There is a part of all of us that we don't like. We think that if it ever rears its nasty ugly head that people are going to look at us and say, "wow, they have some major problems What a freak!" We suppress it, we bury it so that no one else could ever possibly discover it. When we feel that it might manifest itself, we try to run. We hide away from others until the danger passes.

It's scratching on the walls
In the closet, in the halls
It comes awake
And I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!

It tries so often to escape. It claws at the walls we build to keep it in. It moves from the place we kept it hidden, to the place where people can find it. It gets so out of control that we feel like we're going insane. It's everywhere inside of us, and we just want it go away, but it doesn't.

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

This thing we keep hidden, it's finally grown too big. We feel like a disaster, a terror is occurring in our own mind. We hate this, and we have to let it out somehow. We know this is only the beginning of the fight within our mind, but we still can't help feel as though we are being eaten from the inside out.

It's hiding in the dark
It's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me
It wants my soul,
It wants my heart

When we think it's all clear, it's still there, tempting, haunting. There is no escape for us. The monster inside wants to consume you. It wants to rule you. It wants to destroy you from the inside out and bring your life down with it.

No one can hear me scream
Maybe it's just a dream
Or maybe it's inside of me
Stop this monster!

The terrible thing about it, is that no one knows it's there. It's all in your own mind. Is it real? Or not? Who can tell?

Emily E.

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