Monday, January 28, 2013

Setting Standards

I don't want a boyfriend.
I don't want to date anyone.
I don't want to hold hands, make-out, or have sex.

I am not friend-zoning.
I am setting standards.

What I do want is a Mr. Knightly. (Go look him up if you don't know who that is.) I want to have a man that I can go to about anything, not as in a romantic relationship, but as a best friend. I want to have my best friend be the one who stays by me, even when he doesn't agree with the way I'm going. I want him to tell me when I'm wrong and reprimand me with firmness and love. I want to be completely at ease with him at all times, unless we are quarreling. And when we do have a disagreement, I want him to make up quickly, be the man and make the first move to apologize.

I want to be able to say that if I put myself in situations and relationships that all end in heartbreak, that I always have someone there to comfort me. I want someone who is willing to prove himself to be a true friend, not because I ask him to, but because he wants to.

I am not friend-zoning.
I am setting standards.

I want to be able to be best friends and live out God's separate plans for our lives until He brings us together as more than friends. I want to be able to hang out together without worry of awkwardness or stiffness.

I am not friend-zoning.
I am setting standards.

I want to be able to tell my children one day, "before your father was my husband, he was my best friend." I want him to know me better than he even knows himself before we're even engaged. I don't want to have any romantic physical relationship until after we are engaged, because there isn't any reason for it any earlier. And even then, holding hands is about as far as it will go. Maybe a hug or two along the way...maybe.

I am not friend-zoning.
I am setting standards.

Emily E.

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