Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back to the Basics

"Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the Pope or in the councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retreat anything, since it is neither safe not right to go against conscience. I cannot do other wise; here I stand, may God help me. Amen."

This was the declaration of one of the bravest men in church history. Having entered an Augustinian monastery at the age of 22, he blindly followed the Catholic church's way, trying to obtain salvation, through the good works he did. It was not until after he was a respected monk, professor, and pastor that he broke from the church and read the Bible on his own. While studying the Good Book, he experienced his "spiritual awakening", fully understanding that no amount of church-sold sacraments would get anyone to heaven.

On October 31, 1517 (which was not any significant day at the time; Halloween was not an established holiday yet), this man started a storm that swept across Europe. For three years he debated with church officials of the true authority of the church, the true head, and brought to light the corruption of the papal-ship.  On April 28, 1521, he stood before the German King and the bishops of the Holy Roman Empire, and stated the jarring declaration above. Afterward, he was declared an outlaw and a heretic, living in hiding and under imperial charge for 25 years until he died of natural causes.

This man was not trying to change the world, he was simply doing something about the corruption he saw around him. He was trying to get back to the basics. God was disgusted by the church of the Renaissance, and He used this man to bring people back to the Scriptures.

Have you ever wondered where that phrase "back to the basics" comes from? Or why it even exists? I personally believe we have left the basics of everyday life. The way things used to be, before fancy computers and cars and phones and such things that try to capture our attention. There used to be a time when all people cared about was making an honest living that provided for the needs of others and themselves and the Good Lord Jesus. There was a time even before then when all preachers and Popes cared about was spreading the Truth -The Gospel- to the people around them. But they grew prideful and sinful and eventually got the state in which we find our hero above. They had gotten away from the basics of the Scriptures. And God called them back using a man of simple origins with a sincere desire to be used by God.

Today, the church has gotten away from the basics of Scripture. It has become so caught up in fancy buildings and happiness and self-gratification that we have forgotten what we're preaching about. We need to get back to the basics. Jesus. God's Love. Loving God. Loving and serving others. Telling people about Jesus.

When will we get back to the basics? When will the Christians wake up and see what they are missing? Are we so disgustingly comfortable to let our church leaders and those around us live in gross sin and corruption as they did centuries ago, that we just sit back and flippantly comment and shoo the problems away?

Young people, teens, you and I are the next generation. God has called us to be an example. Are we to just sit around and goof off until we're thirty and then settle into a working lifestyle where we become too busy to care? We need to be shining so brightly with the Light of the world that lives inside us that others are blinded. We need to find our way back to the basics. This generation will be a generation of change.

We will be the next Reformation, the next Great Awakening.

Live on in us, Martin Luther. May the world never forget what God accomplished through you.

Emily Elissabeth

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