Monday, April 29, 2013

Another Quick Update

First of all, I would just like say I am so sorry for disappearing of the face of the earth. Life has been crazy, and I think you all deserve an explanation.

1) We (my family and I) have been moving! We recently bought the house of some friends of are that have moved, and the last two weeks have been spent packing and painting and cleaning and moving and all that jazz. It's bittersweet, beacuse while we have been trying to move for nine years, we didn't really want it to be to the house of some very close friends who are no longer living within visiting distance.

2) It's the end of the semester! I can officially say, I hate the end of college terms. It is always extremely stressful, especially when you have several presentations and test all crammed together. It is finals week, and I am writing this while waiting to go to my first final. Please pray for me.

3) It's the end of my high school education! Yes, it is graduation time. So add on top of end-of-term pressure, all the pressure that comes from being a high school graduate. I'm homeschooled, so the actual ceremonies are very intimate and personal, and I am performing at both, and am also the student speaker at another. Yes, you read that right, I have two gratuation ceremonies. I also have my last ever piano recital coming up that I am preparing for.

4) I leave for Canada in a month and a half! While this has kind of taken a backseat whit all of the moving, ther is a very long list of things I need to do to ensure that I am actually going. I will make a post with a to-do list later.

So, yeah. That is why I haven't been posting very much, and I do apologize again and also in advance in case I don't post anything else in the near future.

Edit: Also, I have noticed that I have a very broad international reader base, and I wanted to let you know that I would love to hear back from you all, so please feel free to comment on any of the posts. I would love to be able to interact with all of my readers. I want this blog to be a place where I not only share my insights and opinions, but where we as a group can have a well-mannered and respectful conversation. so, please feel free to comment any feedback or your own opinions regarding the post content, but please, remember, this is a Christian blog, and I will delete, block, or report any user who uses any kind of vulgar or crass language. Thanks, y'all.

Crazy busy,
Emily E.

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