Things that need to happen to complete my registration:
- Must complete my background form
- Must have the other 3/4's of my references complete their part and turn it in to the NAMB
- Must have parents finish consent form
- Must begin passport application process
Things that I would like to get done somewhat soon:
- Must get support letters stuffed and sent
- Must buy postage for said letters
- Must begin finding ways to raise money
Things I would like to look into once I know where in Canada I am going:
- Economic stability of mission area
- Census numbers of mission area
- major industries of the area
- Education levels of citizens
- Majority political and religious views of the area
So, that was an official update as to what I think needs to happen. Please stay tuned for more updates and inspirational speakings.
Going Where He Sends Me,
Emily E.
Going Where He Sends Me,
Emily E.