Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quick Update

So... It's been a while since I posted anything, and I'm really sorry about that. Life has suddenly caught up to me, and I was not prepared. This post is going to be a quick update until I can post something else.

Update 1.) I had a yard sale on March 2, and it went wonderfully! If anyone reading this gave me stuff for the sale, thank you so, so much. I ended up making around $300 for my mission trip, which put me just over $1,000 total. That's $200 more than I needed, and people are still donating money to my trip. So thank you and may God bless all of you.

Update 2.) I had a birthday on Monday. I turned 18, which means I am officially an adult! Of course, for me that doesn't mean much, except I can pick up and buy my own medications... and vote, I can vote now (would've helped five months ago, but whatever). Also, Daylight Savings time began the day before my birthday which was different. It didn't used to be that early, but okay.

Update 3.) We (my family) are trying to sell our home and move to a different one. It is completely a God thing that we have the opportunity to move, and we think God may have given us a family to buy our current home. It is a really tricky situation though, but whatever happens, I hope we can bless the people who buy (or rent) our home.

Update 4.) I'm having a birthday party on Saturday. So no more posts until next Monday probably.

Also, in case you didn't hear, Hugo Chavez has died, and a new pope has been selected. These are both excellent opportunities for us as Christians to pray for our fellow believers in both the Catholic church and in Venezuela. Pray for those in leadership positions that they may look to God for guidance in leading their people.

Busy as ever,
Emily E.

P.S. I'm really sorry about posting the first Musical Monday and then dropping off the face of the earth. I promise there will be more and I think it is going to be an every-other-week thing instead of every week. So you can still look forward to those.

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